Friday, March 27, 2020

Swap Chem and Chemistry Final Exams

Swap Chem and Chemistry Final ExamsBiology is often the last thing to get into when you are taking your Chemistry finals. It's not quite as far ahead as Chemistry, but its very close, especially if you're doing your Chemistry first semester, even if you're doing both at the same time. It's definitely something to plan around, especially if you want to take the exams with the other class.If this is the case, and you've done your homework in choosing which class to take, I'd like to suggest a different method for taking Chem and Chemistry finals. Find out which class you're getting credit for, and then, for that term, elective electives or credits that you want to take will be assigned to it. For example, if you want to take Physics, go to the Physics test instead of the Chemistry test.This can save you a lot of time - since you don't have to waste time studying for two separate tests, you'll have more time to study for your Physics test, and it'll pay off in your final grade. Plus, yo u'll have to do it more often, which means you'll have more practice doing it properly. It can also make your notes easier to study - you don't have to spend so much time trying to memorize the answers to the tests, which should only happen with Biology.You may find that it's difficult to figure out which test you want to take, since there are so many exams and too many tests to try to choose just one. However, there's always the option of selecting to take a whole set of Chemistry exams. (If you do, make sure that you understand them well, so that you don't leave anything out in the notes)One thing to be aware of - even though you're going to have to switch subjects, you shouldn't have to switch your exams to one of your old subjects. It's often suggested that you should do this if you've already taken chemistry as a prerequisite, but that doesn't make sense. You'll only change one part of your final grade, and therefore you should take the exam to the class that you want.For Biolo gy, the exams are all similar, so you don't need to worry about switching subjects. In fact, if you do change your biology exam, I would recommend keeping it the same, and just adding it to your Chemistry exam. You'll need to start with Chemistry if you're doing it all at once, and you'll need to stay with Chemistry until the end of your exams.To be honest, I did not do this when I was doing my Chemistry exams. In fact, I didn't even do it in the last year that I took them all at once!

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